For those of you that don't know, Riley Cooper is a wide receiver for the Philadelphia Eagles and also, as his own words will show you, an ignorant, racist asshat.
How long before that first concussion cheap hit?
You see, Cooper was at a Kenny Chesney concert this past June, consuming massive quantities of alcohol throughout the day. He then proceeded to go nuts and drop an N-bomb because he wasn't allowed backstage. I mean, really, who wouldn't let Riley Cooper backstage? His biggest claim to fame thus far is being Tim Tebow's roommate while at the University of Florida. He should have name dropped his old buddy Timmy there and saved himself a boat full of headaches. Pun intended.
Cooper's exact quote was, "I will jump that fence and fight every n****r here." The best part is that he points directly at the camera filming him while saying this. You're in the NFL, you schmuck. The most popular sports league in the United States right now. Did you really think that this wasn't going to land you in a steaming pile of trouble? This rates at the absurdly high end of stupid. How anyone in professional sports that shares their day-to-day with many other athletes from varying walks of life could use a racial slur is beyond me.
The silver lining here, if you could call it that, is that Cooper is going to get blown up eventually by a member of an opposing team's defense. I'd be willing to wager more than once. Marcus Vick, brother of Eagles' quarterback Michael Vick -that's right, Cooper's teammate- offered a $1,000 bounty to the first free or strong safety to light him up.
Moral of this story. If you play a violent, contact sport you should keep your racist thoughts to yourself because they are bound to get you knocked out on the field.
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