Sunday, October 9, 2011

Back from the abyss...and bitching!

I've watched a ton of football in my days here on Earth. I've learned that sometimes the refs screw up a call. Sometimes it goes your way. Sometimes it doesn't. Today, I have to say that refs flat out screwed the Jets with bad calls. Maybe it's Rex Ryan's fault for talking up his team in the media and creating resentment among the masses, who I guess enjoy all those boring press conferences where coaches droll on about "giving 110%" or "taking it one game at a time." I love Rex from a fan's standpoint, but maybe it's time to turn the bravado down a notch until the calls start to balance out a little.
            "Hey, ref. He touched me and I stumbled to the ground. Where's the flag?"

Apparently when you play for the Patriots you can run into opposing defensive backs, fall down, and you get a pass interference call. Tom Brady whines after every pass he throws that falls incomplete. So I'm guessing that maybe the refs are just tired of listening to that little bitch whining all game long and they throw flags just to appease him. Whatever. Call me a bitter Jets fan, if you must. I'm not. I fully expected the Jets to get smoked today, but they actually played a solid game on both sides of the ball today and had a chance to get a win.

***Apologies for my long hiatus. Will be more regular with the postings. ***

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